Major Project – Formal Capstone Research Proposal
During this phase, the student will develop a formal research proposal, 12 to 15 pages. A research proposal is what the student intends to study, and a basic plan for accomplishing this. The proposal will include twelve sections. You will find guidelines listed in the page references in the Format of Sections Chart below. These page references are from the James, Slater, & Bucknam (2012) text.
Databases related to you subject:
Submit (via Moodle) the Conceptualization and Framework section of your proposal, using the course schedule chart below. Note, you may optionally summarize from your past literature review (Dr. Robinson’s class) if desired. You may also develop a new, very brief, literature review summary if you wish. (4-5 pages, plus references)
Title Page (APA)
Table of Contents
Introduction/Context (1 page)
Description of Need/Problem (1-2 pp.)
- Explain the specific issue to be addressed
- Define the research question
Literature Review (2 pp.)
Begin Reference Page
Submit (via Moodle) the Rationale for Selecting Research Method section of your proposal, using the chart below. (3-5 pages, plus references/appendices, if any).
Description of Research Strategy (2-3 pp.)
- How does this strategy fit the problem/
issue/research question?
- What are its strengths and potential
limitations as it applies to your project?
- Why did you choose this method over
other methods?
Literature-based Discussion of the Research Method (1-2 pp.)
- What are the key steps of this research
- How will you define/select your
- How will you ensure sample size is
representative of the defined population?
Continue Reference Page Work
Compile the Conceptualization and Framework and the Rationale for Selecting Research Method sections; add the Basic Research Steps section of your proposal. Be sure to incorporate changes from instructor feedback from your earlier papers and add all new sections for this final proposal document. (Includes: Weeks 3 and 4 assignments, Basic Research Steps (2-3 pages), along with title page, abstract, references, appendices).
Basic Research Steps: (2-3 pp. total)
Craft research/survey questions (qualitative or quantitative); include in an appendix
Describe the criteria/process for inviting project participation and educating research participants
Identify potential risks to participants, and if applicable, the organization
- What steps will you take to minimize
Create informed consent form(s); include an appendix.
Explain proposed data gathering procedures.
Discuss deliverables/expected outcomes that you anticipate as a result of your research.
Abstract (no more than 1/2 p.)
Create/Update Table of Contents
Create Project Timeline
Complete References Page
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